Today the only work we were able to really do was dimpling the right fuel tank. We used our normal method of back dimpling and while we were doing this I remembered that there are special dimple dies out there specifically for the fuel tank skins. Why? Well the fuel tank dimple dies put a deeper dimple in the skin to allow more room for the tank sealant. We spoke with our friends Jack and Dwayne to see what they thought. They suggested that since we had already dimpled a whole fuel tank skin that we take our deburring tool to take a bit of material out of each dimple. This would allow enough room for the tank sealant and for the rivet to sit flush. After a bit of trial and error using slow electric screw drivers and countersink bits, we ended up using the deburr bit in its handle. A few quick twirls took enough material out to let the rivet sit deep enough. We've realized that this is a common (not mistake or error, but phenomenon?) with many RV's out there, if it isn't dealt with, you are left with rivet heads that don't sit flush and are high enough for you to feel with a finger nail. Not the biggest deal, but we want our wings to be smooth so we'll be putting in the extra effort up front!
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