Friday, May 28, 2010


While riveting the horizontal stabilizer, we unknowingly riveted a few wrong holes. Earlier in the process of building the HS, Van's tells you to tape off a few holes until they are ready to be riveted. We did this, but the four center holes were taped off incorrectly. This happened because I accidently counted the wrong number of holes; the plans show holes that are drilled in the future but aren't yet drilled on the HS spar. We drilled out the wrong rivets, but they were covered by the rear flange of the 405's and it was difficult to get the shanks out, after a few attempts though we got all four out, but we botched up a hole pretty bad.
We decided that we would fix this hole with a BSPQ 5-4 blind rivet. They're strong and they have a larger head since they're a 5/32 shank. This shall take care of our problem. We'll also have to use these in the holes that were supposed to get riveted but didn't get taped over in the first place. Pictures will come soon.

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